Wednesday, April 9, 2008


When Judy and I decided where to live in Iowa City, she was more interested in a condo where all the outside work would be contracted with the association. I wanted a house because I wanted a yard. We decided on a house, but she insisted that she would not have to do any of the outside work. I can live with that, and we do get help for some outside things (especially things like getting the driveway plowed out in the winter and getting the yard mowed in the winter). But sometimes I feel like I should do something myself. And sometimes that something is bigger than I thought.

So a few days ago the day was nice and I was feeling energetic, so I decided to prune the barberry bushes in front of the house. I knew when I started that barberry is a VERY thorny bush, so I wore gloves and thought I was being careful. But it had been a couple of years since they were last pruned, so there was a lot to be cut (see photo). I knew I got a few thorns, but I managed to get a lot of little pieces in my hands that I've been picking out. ouch! Maybe next time I'll pick an easier job when I feel energetic. Maybe I'll just stop feeling energetic. Or maybe I'll see if I can get Rick to do some of these things now that he's in town...

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