Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's been too long...

I've not posted to this blog for over two weeks now, and (if anyone is reading and cares ;^} ) I apologize for that. In terms of the photos on the last entry, the place I was standing when I took the photo of Dubuque Street and the river was under a foot of water shortly after I took the photo, and the bridge I was standing on when I took the photo of the riverbank overflow was cut off on both ends as well. I just didn't have the heart to keep writing about the problems everyone was having. All the gory details can be found in the pages of the Iowa City Press Citizen or the Cedar Rapids Gazette online. The water is going down, and in some places has gone down quite a bit, but that just exposes the amount of damage in homes and businesses -- it will be a long time for people to get back, and some will (for good reason) just give up and move on. The lucky few had flood insurance, but the key word seems to be "few."

The good news is that Rick should be back at work, even though the hotel isn't yet open -- at the last I heard, he was supposed to help provide security for the hotel once it was accessible but not yet open. The management like him and want to keep him working for them, and that's nice to hear (though it doesn't surprise me; he's a good worker).

Anyway, I'll have more to say soon, but for now, thanks for your patience.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Steve I've been enjoying reading your blog and am glad you posted an update. I was beginning to wonder if you and Judy were having flooding problems also. Take care, Julie