Friday, September 19, 2008

Travel and the economy

Over the last couple of weeks I've been exchanging emails with Guido Rößling, my co-chair for a program at a computer science education conference to be held in Paris next summer. Of course, this means that I'm committed to a trip to Paris in early July, and perhaps one in March as well to organize our program. (For any of my non-US friends who cannot read this, that translates to "organise our programme" in the Queen's English.) So we're committed to some travel and to the costs that will go with it. Of course, this week's economic debacle will probably make the USD even more worthless than it already is, so the cartoon below seems appropriate.But it is Paris, after all, and perhaps we'll stay at our tiny hotel just around the corner from the Café Flore and down the street from St. Germain de Prés. Life could be worse, and we'll see a number of good friends at the conference (which is really why we do these things!)

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