Saturday, January 12, 2008


Although we are retired, there are days when it feels as though we work as hard as when we were being paid. Much of that work is in writing or editing. In the last couple of days we have been asked to review and edit the guidelines for judging a digital science arts competition and to write a Foreword for a conference proceedings. Judy has been asked to write a recommendation for a professional colleague whose performance review is coming up. And I continue to work with Mike Bailey of Oregon State University on our Computer Graphics Shaders textbook that is due at MK Peters, our publisher, at the end of this month. The photo shows my "writing corner" in our living room that Judy puts up with.

Of course, this writing is far from as much work as we used to do, but it does keep us busy and involved with our many professional friends. As our friend Cai Yiyu from Singapore's National Technical University tells us, the former Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew says "the biggest mistake one can make is to retire and not stay mentally and physically active." We're doing our best to live up to that!

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