Thursday, February 14, 2008


The WSCG conference I referred to a couple of posts ago was held in Plzen, a lovely town in Western Bohemia, at the University of Western Bohemia. Plzen has a really nice open square in the center of the oldest part of the city, and the photo above is the facade of one of the buildings along the square. There are a number of these sgraffito buildings with wonderful decorations around the square and in town.

One of the most touching things I saw in the city is the monument thanking America for the US Army liberation of the city in 1945. Perhaps the US will once again find the kind of respect in the world that will inspire others to thank us. Perhaps this could even happen in the mideast. But I'm afraid it will take a great deal more than a new administration to earn this; I strongly doubt that it will happen in my lifetime. But we have marvelous young people in the family, and I truly hope they can see it.

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