Monday, November 3, 2008

Fall chores

I got a lot done of fall chores done over the last few days. Rick and I took out a couple of large limbs from our big backyard tree to create a bit better balance and open up the ground to more sunlight, and we put up the deer fence around the junipers by the driveway. I did most of the work (and none of the creative culinary work) for a big batch of butternut squash soup (with 12 pounds of squash). Yum! I've put up the winter bird feeder and added a second hanger so I can get both sunflower and thistle seed on the same pipe. The birds also say Yum! I've also cleaned gutters, done a little weeding, and grilled what's probably the last set of burgers outdoors this season. Yum again! So let it snow, let it snow, let it snow (it's forecast for later this week...)

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